Core Quantum Healing

Trauma resolution therapies for whole-person wellness, transformation and empowerment.

Core Quantum Healing

A Core Quantum Healing session is a process in which the issue being addressed is traced to its root cause and dismantled there, at its inception. The original trauma of an issue has an imprint that permeates the human instrument holographically. The imprint expresses itself through the chakras and meridians, through belief systems and thought patterns and through the physical and subtle energy bodies. It is neurologically wired in to the brain/body in a network of well- worn neural pathways that operates much like a piece of software on your computer.

In a Core Quantum Healing session, this network of informational content is dismantled in a way that allows for the release of the emotional energy of the original trauma. It is the blocked energy of toxic, (that means un-expressed) emotion that holds such patterns in place. After the emotional energy has been released, the hologram is re-patterned with the informational content of the desired state. This desired state is an aspect and expression of the Higher Self, of True Being. This is not so much a reprogramming, but rather an uncovering of what has always been there. It is a return to the potential of the Authentic Self and the restoration of the blueprint of wellbeing.

Core Quantum Healing Benefits

Is for those who are looking for a way to effectively resolve physical, mental, spiritual and emotional trauma from the deepest level – the level of cause.

Is for those who are looking for a method of healing that transmutes pain and trauma into the liberated state of conscious awakening and empowerment.

Core Quantum Healing can help with depression, PTSD, anxiety, panic attacks, phobia, addiction, compulsive behavior, physical abuse, sexual abuse, low self-esteem, relationship issues, childhood trauma, birth trauma, soul trauma, past life trauma, and more.

It can help those of you who are fully deliberate in your own process of awakening and looking for ways to accelerate the expansion of consciousness and deepen the experience of your spiritual nature.

What to Expect and How to Prepare for Your Session

The session takes place with the client lying down comfortably, fully clothed.

Session times vary. We do not stop by the clock, rather, we ‘cook until done’. Average session times are approximately two to two and a half hours, maybe more, maybe less. Rates are pro-rated accordingly.

Plan on having a few hours of quiet time alone, preferably outside in nature, immediately following your session. This is important.

Please do not wear perfume, cologne, or scented lotion to your appointment. You must be completely unscented. This is an absolute requirement.

Drink plenty of water before and after your session.

Arrive 10-15 minutes early to allow time to fill out the form so that you are ready to start your session on time.

Thank you for not wearing fragrance of any kind to your appointment. This includes perfume, cologne, hairspray, scented lotion, etc. The facility serves those who suffer from multiple chemical sensitivity. These people are negatively impacted by most fragrances. Thank you for your consideration.

IMPORTANT: All clients must read and agree to the cancellation and communications policies prior to making an appointment.
Read time 2 minutes.


$125 / hour, by the hour, prorated accordingly.

Payment is due at the time of service. Cash, check and credit cards are accepted.
There is a 3.9% fee to pay by credit card. You will save money to pay by cash or check.


Satisfaction guaranteed.
Feel better or pay nothing.
Expect results. 770-465-6294

Remote Sessions

Remote sessions by phone are available for those who are unable to attend in person. If you live with others, you must make sure that under no circumstances can you be interrupted during your session. If you have children, they must be attended to by others so that you are not interrupted. The space you work in must be quiet and without distractions. You cannot be on call during your session. This is an absolute requirement for your safety and wellbeing. Likewise, you must allow for some quiet time alone immediately following your session to integrate the work, preferably the rest of the day if possible.


Call 770-465-6294 and request a phone session. I will call you back to schedule your appointment, just as I would if you were coming in person. A $100 deposit by credit card is required to book a remote session. This will be applied towards the total cost of the session.

Please print out this checklist for your convenience, to ensure that you are properly prepared for your session.

IMPORTANT: All clients must read and agree to the cancellation and communications policies prior to making an appointment.
Read time 2 minutes.

What clients are saying about Core Quantum Healing…

Juliet Mathison teacher and facilitator of accelerated psycho-emotional healing and processes for awakening consciousness

Juliet Mathison is a gifted teacher and facilitator of accelerated psycho-emotional healing and processes for awakening consciousness. Her work combines quantum re-patterning of the holographic template with inspired guidance for the soul on a path of self-mastery. Juliet’s visionary insight and depth of understanding of the human condition catalyze and support the client in achieving radical transformation and empowerment. Juliet is a multi-disciplined licensed healthcare professional with 30 years’ experience in private practice.  She develops and teaches healing arts educational programs grounded in higher dimensional science and principles of new paradigm consciousness.

Office Location
SRQ Acupuncture

3260 Fruitville Road, Suite A
Sarasota, FL 34237
Click on map for directions.

To schedule your appointment call 770-465-6294.

Life Spectrum Institute new office location