Cancellation Policy

All clients must read and agree to the cancellation policy before scheduling an appointment.

A platform of mutual respect is required for this work. This means that the therapist’s time and the client’s money are of equal importance and must be respected as such. If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, please give a minimum of 24 hours notice from the time of your appointment, sooner if possible. Notice must be given by phone call or text, NOT by email. I do not use email for client communication. If you miss an appointment or cancel with less than 24 hours notice for any reason, regardless of circumstances, you are responsible for the full price of your session, no exceptions, based on the average session time for your chosen service. This is usually about $250. It is understood that by making an appointment you are entering into a binding agreement. It is ethically unacceptable to default on an agreement and expect the other party to absorb the consequences of your default, which amounts to a loss of income and considerable time wasted. The impact of such a default on the  therapist is exactly the same, regardless of the client’s reason for defaulting. Additionally, there are others to consider. There is a high demand for this work and there are people on the waiting list who would like your appointment of you cannot keep it. Please be considerate of others by giving as much advanced notice as possible. Pre-payment will be required for anyone who wishes to continue treatment following a missed appointment or late cancellation.

IMPORTANT: I will respond to your text message requesting an appointment change or cancellation, so that you know I have received it. As we all know, technology is not perfect and sometimes messages do not go through. (This is especially true between and Android and an iphone – they don’t always connect). The consequences of assuming that a message was received just because it was sent can be damaging or even fatal to relationships. This happens in all aspects of our daily lives and causes untold stress and havoc. We must agree to work together in order to avoid the possibility of this undesirable scenario. If you have not had a response from me by the end of the day it means that I have not received your message. Please send it again and/or follow up with a phone call. Do not consider your appointment cancelled or your reschedule request pending until you hear back from me. I will respond when I get your message. This agreement is for our mutual benefit and peace of mind. This is a binding agreement. Please do not make an appointment if you are not in agreement with these policies. Ethics, transparency and mutual respect form the foundation for an appropriate and high-quality therapeutic relationship.

Communications Policy

Please note that texting is for appointment scheduling purposes only. Please do not put session content* into a text. I cannot answer your questions via text. Please bring any questions you may have to your next appointment. I am not able to address your concerns outside of session time. If you need to consult with me before your next scheduled office visit you may request a phone session, subject to availability. (Usually Wednesdays). Phone sessions are the same rate as office visits and require a pre-paid deposit.

Requests for an appointment left on my voicemail during the weekend will be responded to on my next business day. I respond promptly during my work week. If I close the office for vacation, it will be indicated on the outgoing voice message. If I do not respond to a texted request for your next appointment, please call. Messages do not always go through, especially between Android and iphone. Technology is not perfect. I am open Tuesday through Friday from 10:00 am – 6:00 pm. I am not available outside of business hours. I do not use email for client communication.

*’Session content’ means your issues, i.e. symptoms, diagnoses, thoughts, feelings, questions, comments or concerns. These are addressed in the session, NOT in a text message. This is a necessary and appropriate professional boundary that must be respected. Failure to do so may result in the termination of the professional relationship. Thank you.